Our production company is embarking on our third movie project which goes into production this summer, June 13th to be exact.
This morning in our daily meeting, my husband (who is a producer and director on the project with me), asked me, "Dianna, are you fully committed to this project?"
And immediately, I knew where he was going with his questioning.
He went on to say, "I know that when YOU commit to something, there's no stopping you!"
My answer was a resounding, "YES!"
He then went on to ask, "Are we shooting a movie this summer?"
Again, with a deep conviction and resolve, I responded, "YES, we are!"
In all honesty, I AM ready! I'm ready mentally, spiritually, physically, and emotionally.
Moviemaking is not for the faint of heart so I appreciate my husband's confidence in me.
I am fully committed.
And he's right. When I do make up my mind there is no turning back.
For me, and some have laughed at this analogy, it is like brining a child into the world. Once conception occurs, get ready cause the baby's coming!! And if I treat the project as such, somehow he and I make it happen.
In this case, at least I know the due date! Now, all I have to do is work backwards and get everything ready for that date!
So when my husband asks me if I'm committed, what he is really asking me is, "Are you going to make this happen Dianna?"
And it's not as if he's expecting me to do all the work to get us into production and through production. He is very involved as he enjoys the moviemaking process as much as I do.
So, am I going to make this happen? He has no idea how far along I am in the pregnancy. I am so ready to drop this baby!
This project is very dear to our hearts as it was written by my husband with information being fed to him by some of my zany shenanigans!
The idea came to us several years ago on our first film project back in 2004.
So commitment is not only a pledge and undertaking for me, it is breathing life and giving life to to this project that has been brewing for quite some time.
We are ready to share our story; a story of survival and doing what it takes to keep it all together when things seem to be falling apart. It is a story of staying committed to yourself and your values, your ideals as well as staying committed to those you love no matter how tough life might get.
I know that this movie will touch hearts. And strangely enough it is a movie about commitment.
So, am I fully committed?
I have never stopped being committed. I've just been waiting on things outside of my control to fall into place. How foolish of me. Since when did I need permission to follow my own bliss?
Commitment only requires one action - a decision. To either do or do not.
I choose to do.