Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Just Believe!

It amazes me when I come across someone who can see my potential and they share with me what they see. Because, to be quite honest, I have a tough time seeing it and believing it.

It's as if they believe in me more than I believe in myself!

Oh, I can see potential in others, but I am unable to see my own potential.

How strange, huh? Why is that?

A friend recently told me, how he can help everyone with their problems, concerns, and issues, but when it came to himself, he couldn't do so!

I wonder if it is by design.

Maybe, just maybe, God is behind it all. Maybe it is one of His ways that He gets us to share with each other with the hope that we will stop to listen to each other and extend a helping hand or remind each other of our many talents and gifts we possess.

Maybe it's God's way of working through us and showing just how proactive He is in our life without being invasive.

I hope so!

I hear so often from friends how God never speaks to them. That they get nothing from Him.


Is it possible that God's way of speaking to us Is through others? Besides, I probably would pass out if I heard His audible voice anyway! And probably question it too!

Whatever is going on in the universe, I believe the message is clear. Hang in there. Don't give up. Our lives have purpose. And that there is a plan for each of us and God is speaking, if we will just open our hearts to each other and listen.

What is God saying?

He is saying that He won't let us fail! He is saying He will call on His people to accomplish His purpose for each of us. He is saying He has a plan that we are actively involved in it and that it's a wonderful and marvelous plan!

Just Believe! Believe in your potential even if you can't see it or your own gifts. Believe in yourself!

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