Monday, November 7, 2011

The Gift Of Giving

Someone asked me recently, "How do you do it? Where do you find the time to give so much of yourself?"  I laughed and responded, "I'm not sure that I give enough!"

In truth, I always feel like I don't have enough time and that there is more I would like to do. If anything, I wish I had more time!

What I have learned is that I get great personal satisfaction from giving of myself and I truly believe it is one of the reasons I feel so fortunate. I believe being a giver explains why I'm a happy person.

There is very little in life that upsets me!

I started the practice of giving, really giving, many years ago.

For starters, I find a way to give every day, every moment, and every chance I have. I look  for opportunities to give. And giving doesn't necessarily mean money. It can be our time, a smile, a hug, a positive thought about someone, or sending good vibes out into the universe in the form of a prayer or truly wishing the very best for someone with a sincere heart.

It can mean something so simple as sending a text to someone and wishing them a great day! Or surprising someone with a card or giving that extra change at the bottom of my wallet to a homeless person.

It is important to give with a pure heart and with no take backs or regrets! I have learned to do this on a very regular basis so that it has becomes a way of life and to do it all anonymously.

Giving also means knowing when to allow someone else to bless us by accepting their gift of giving.  Too often, we keep others from receiving a blessing by not accepting their wanting to do a nice deed for us.

Giving with no personal agenda is the purest way to give cause it is not about us, it's about putting others first. 

Isn't that the goal? To put others first? Isn't that the greatest expression of giving? I think so!

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