Friday, January 16, 2009

Finding My Center

Where is my center and how do I find it?

For me, it is that very quiet place that is still, tranquil, calm and at peace. Usually while on the cushion in sitting meditation.

And yet, while sitting, there is thought. But I see the thought arising and as I breathe in slowly, the thought slowly fades and I breathe out - calmly. I do not force the thought away, nor do I hold onto it or follow it. I lovingly and gently let it go.

Breathing in...breathing out. There is only the breath. There is no me, no I. Only equinimity. (No duality.)

Ahh...there it is.

Staying here (centered) is the real challenge. Especially off the cushion.

1 comment:

Zen said...

"Staying here (centered) is the real challenge. Especially off the cushion."

si claro, es la verdad.
As hard as sitting can be sometimes, it is the easy part