Thursday, February 5, 2009

Our Cali Girl

Today my husband Earnest and I got such a kick out of our 10 year old daughter Maria who is clearly a 'Valley Girl'. Maria was born here in California. Burbank to be exact.

Keep in mind, it's sunny and warm 345 days out of the year where we live.

We have our own seasons here. We have a rainy season, fire season, awards season...

For the last few days, the weather report mentioned rain. Which we very rarely get here in Southern California. Being the responsible parents that we are, we made sure Maria packed an umbrella in her backpack.

Well the weather report was right and it rained all day. When we picked Maria up from school this afternoon, she opened the car door and was suddenly panic stricken as she yelled out, "How do you close this thing?" (Referring to the umbrella.)

She's wrestling with the umbrella while trying to throw the backpack in the car and get in the car all at the same time. And upset because her jeans are soaking wet. She's clearly frustrated and on the verge of freaking out.

Earnest and I both looked at her and were bewildered by her question and strange behavior. Earnest calmly said, "Maria, you're ten years old, you should know how to use an umbrella!"

Then it immediately dawned on us, wait a minute, this is the same child who once asked us very sincerely and genuinely did not know, "What's a coat?"


Zen said...

I recall when there was a major drought there in So Ca and some kids had never seen rain. I heard a report of some almost freaking out when it happened. :-)

from reader #2 :-)

Dianna Perales-Harris said...

Isn't it hilarious?