Today I was having a conversation with my husband about our two young kids and preparing them for their future.
As we were discussing all the steps we have taken thus far to prepare them for college and what the next few years will require of us and them, it occurred to me that our vision for them SHOULD go beyond our own expectations!
Yes, that's right! Our vision for our kids should not be limited to what we envision for our kids in just their generation, but their children's generation as well!
Our goal should be to ensure that our children and their children, and even beyond, will have more opportunities than Earnest and I were presented. Or for that matter, could ever imagine!
A very dear mentor and friend of ours said once that the greatest gift we can pass on to our children is giving them the gift of having many options in their life. And Earnest and I have never forgotten this advice.
As my husband and I were talking, we discussed some of the things that we need to do to make sure they have options and choices. We both agreed that putting our kids in settings where they can a) meet people of all occupations (i.e. doctors, lawyers, teachers and so on), b) get to know people of various cultures, ethnicities, religious backgrounds, c) visit various college campuses and, d) be highly involved in their education and extracurricular activities, is just a beginning.
Quite honestly, nothing would bring me greater joy and satisfaction, even if I am not around to see it, than knowing that my husband and I raised good, well mannered, successful kids and that they will continue the legacy of ensuring that future generations follow in our footsteps and hopefully correct our mistakes.
Being a parent is one of the highest callings and it requires a lot of work, so much love and dedication, tons of patience, on-going planning and putting that plan into action, and finally it requires a truly long-term vision!