Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Vision For Our Children

Today I was having a conversation with my husband about our two young kids and preparing them for their future.

As we were discussing all the steps we have taken thus far to prepare them for college and what the next few years will require of us and them, it occurred to me that our vision for them SHOULD go beyond our own expectations!

Yes, that's right! Our vision for our kids should not be limited to what we envision for our kids in just their generation, but their children's generation as well!

Our goal should be to ensure that our children and their children, and even beyond, will have more opportunities than Earnest and I were presented. Or for that matter, could ever imagine!

A very dear mentor and friend of ours said once that the greatest gift we can pass on to our children is giving them the gift of having many options in their life. And Earnest and I have never forgotten this advice.

As my husband and I were talking, we discussed some of the things that we need to do to make sure they have options and choices. We both agreed that putting our kids in settings where they can a) meet people of all occupations (i.e. doctors, lawyers, teachers and so on), b) get to know people of various cultures, ethnicities, religious backgrounds, c) visit various college campuses and, d) be highly involved in their education and extracurricular activities, is just a beginning.

Quite honestly, nothing would bring me greater joy and satisfaction, even if I am not around to see it, than knowing that my husband and I raised good, well mannered, successful kids and that they will continue the legacy of ensuring that future generations follow in our footsteps and hopefully correct our mistakes.

Being a parent is one of the highest callings and it requires a lot of work, so much love and dedication, tons of patience, on-going planning and putting that plan into action, and finally it requires a truly long-term vision!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Home - That Very Special Place

Today I spoke to my Mom on the phone and it always amazes me when we do talk that she will ask, "So Mija, when are you coming home?"

My response is usually the same, "To visit Mom?" And then there is that awkward silence on the phone. I don't think my Mom realizes that Los Angeles is MY HOME now and it has been for 12 years!

My mother is not the only one from my hometown who has asked me that question. I get it a lot from family and friends back in Austin, Texas. It's as if somehow a) my response will be different from the last time they asked or b) they are under the impression that the twelve years I have been in LA is only temporary. 12 years is not temporary!

I do have an address here and have had one for quite sometime! I"m not leaving LA! Unless of course for some reason I would need to go back to my hometown for other than a visit.

Truth be known, I have no desire to be anywhere else but where I am. My family and I have built a home here, a business, and are a part of a vibrant community. Our kids love their school, their friends and their extracurricular activities. They don't know anything but LA. It is THEIR home.

So what makes a place a home?

I believe it is that very special place where there is no doubt in one's mind - this is where I belong.

I love waking up and looking out my window every morning and being inspired by the mountains that surround me! I see God's majesty and glory in those mountains.

The 345 days of sunshine is a reminder to me that the sun really will come out tomorrow and it gives me so much hope.

The incredible vibe of creativity that is all around me is such a high. I wish I could put it into words!

Los Angeles, the City of Angels, is where I belong.

To all my friends and family back in Austin, I love you and miss you. But this IS my home and I am incredibly happy, blessed, and at peace.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Family Outing

Yesterday, the weather was perfect so our family walked to a popular burger establishment (Tommy's here in Burbank) for dinner.

On our way there, my husband turned to my son and I as he continued walking while rubbing his back and said, "I think I hurt my buttocks!"

Our daughter, Maria, who was following behind my husband and sometimes confuses things she hears, said, "Whhhhhat?"

All three of us, without skipping a beat turned to Maria and said, "He hurt his BUTTOCKS Maria!!"

Maria innocently asked, "What's that?"

Again, we all responded, "His BUTT Maria!"

Maria then said, "Ooohhh...I thought he said he hurt his butt talking!"

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Faith In Action

Today at mass, Father gave a sermon on faith. He used a baseball analogy. He said that faith is that place between first and second base. Some of us are so happy to get on first base and have no idea if we will make it to second base! And yet, we give it our best shot not knowing what the final outcome will be. He described that feeling of uncertainty as faith in action.

Others he said, never get on base and some, won't even step up to the plate to play for fear of the outcome!

In the end though, he said that it is God's will that we all play and make it home safely. But we can't do that unless we build the courage to get in the game in the first place! The game being - LIVING LIFE FULLY!! (And yes, fearlessly!)

It is so easy to sit back and just watch life pass us by never being fulling engaged. Heck, I have done that! More than I care to share! For just plain fear that I will fail and that my failure is tied to whether I am or am not successful!

What I took away from Father's message is that unless we get in the game FULLY, playing to WIN, even when we don't FEEL like playing, our faith CANNOT and WILL NOT increase.

He said finally, that God does not call us to be successful, HE calls us to be faithful. When we are faithful, then success is the by-product of putting our faith in action. But, WE have to get our faith going first! Faith needs action! It needs momentum.

It works like this: I take a step. God takes a step. I take another step. God does His part! I take a step...

(DING..light bulb turning on!) Ohhhhh, so, that's what I have been doing wrong!!! God has been waiting on ME to move!!! :)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Problems Will Come

Just when I think things are going well, 'something' always seems to come along and burst my bubble. What is that thing - Life.

My problem is I either anticipate a problem or I try to avoid it all together. Don't we all?

I believe most of our suffering or discontentment comes from 'wanting' things to always go well and when it doesn't, we either have to talk ourselves through it to get to that happy place again or we just continue on a downward spiral thinking to ourselves, "Oh crap!"

But, in reality that isn't what life is all about.

Problems arise. We either step up or we don't! Not doing anything does not make them go away! And tackling them seems the best remedy but not always our first choice, so we procrastinate. Okay, I procrastinate.

To 'really live' it seems to me, that I must be willing to accept 'whatever' may come my way and not try to label the situation/problem good or bad. It just is what it is. Just another thing to deal with in this existence we call 'Life".

Perhaps if I just rest in the fact that problems will come and they will go away. Kind of like focusing on one's breath. It rises and then it falls. Neither good or bad. And that problems are really friends in disguise who are with us on our path to help us reach enlightenment.

That sure sounds a lot more reassuring.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Not Backing Down!

Today I had a really productive day (so far) and day ain't over!

Feels great to be back! Really helps when I get around others in the entertainment business who are busting their butts, going after their dreams and raising a family in Hollywood! Note to self: Do more meetings with industry people and really think about hosting a monthly event! (Duly noted!)

Really glad that I have Earnest, my husband, around to be not only my business partner, but a dear friend. Sometimes I take that for granted! Wish I had his confidence, positive attitude, and driving force. He is like a rock that cannot be moved! Oh well, I am a work in progress!

Staying hard on myself and NOT BACKING DOWN!! (That is how I get myself in trouble!)

Monday, August 2, 2010

Day Ain't Over!!

I am ashamed of myself!! It has been so long since I have written anything! Shame on me! So, why the long interval?

Mainly because I have been hiding from everyone, but mostly myself. I do that when things seem to get so hard in the entertainment business. (And it has been hard.)

I like many, make up excuses or sit back and question myself and ask, "Am I crazy for being in this business?"

Well, today, I am officially kicking myself in the ass! I am getting on my own ass!

Get your head out of your rear Dianna!

Today I watched a beautiful presentation that our company has been working on and will be pitching. I was reminded of what we and the many of us here at Marlo Entertainment have accomplished in such a short time and what we still have on tap.

I must admit that I was once again inspired.

It is so easy to become complacent and just sit back and wait for things to fall into one's lap. Or to get frustrated because things do not happen fast enough.

When will I learn that it is about the journey and not the goal? Silly and foolish me!

Hitting the 'reset' button! Day ain't over!