Thursday, August 5, 2010

Problems Will Come

Just when I think things are going well, 'something' always seems to come along and burst my bubble. What is that thing - Life.

My problem is I either anticipate a problem or I try to avoid it all together. Don't we all?

I believe most of our suffering or discontentment comes from 'wanting' things to always go well and when it doesn't, we either have to talk ourselves through it to get to that happy place again or we just continue on a downward spiral thinking to ourselves, "Oh crap!"

But, in reality that isn't what life is all about.

Problems arise. We either step up or we don't! Not doing anything does not make them go away! And tackling them seems the best remedy but not always our first choice, so we procrastinate. Okay, I procrastinate.

To 'really live' it seems to me, that I must be willing to accept 'whatever' may come my way and not try to label the situation/problem good or bad. It just is what it is. Just another thing to deal with in this existence we call 'Life".

Perhaps if I just rest in the fact that problems will come and they will go away. Kind of like focusing on one's breath. It rises and then it falls. Neither good or bad. And that problems are really friends in disguise who are with us on our path to help us reach enlightenment.

That sure sounds a lot more reassuring.

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